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You Are What You Eat
You Are What You Eat

You Are What You Eat

While this expression holds some meaning for us as pet owners, our dogs and cats, on the other hand, tend to disregard any ‘holier than though’ lectures about this statement.

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Pyometra is an Ovary-Action
Pyometra is an Ovary-Action

Pyometra is an Ovary-Action

Pyometra is an overwhelming infection of the uterus. It is considered a severe condition and requires immediate veterinary attention.

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Introducing Your New Baby To Your Pet
Introducing Your New Baby To Your Dog & Cat

Introducing Your New Baby To Your Pet

As new parents, you want to ensure that the new arrival of your baby goes well with your beloved pets.

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Don’t Let the Flu Get Your Dog Down
Don’t Let the Flu Get Your Dog Down

Don’t Let the Flu Get Your Dog Down

When I first started working in the veterinary field “doggy flu” was a fictional disease. Unfortunately, this fiction has become a reality in the past couple of years.

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Pee Problems
Pee Problems

Pee Problems

A few weeks ago, she suddenly started urinating small amounts in her litterbox, she would frequently go to the litterbox, she seemed to be drinking more.

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Support Canadian Blood Services
Giving Life – Support Canadian Blood Services

Support Canadian Blood Services

The staff at Cambrian Animal Hospital proudly hosted a blood donation drive the week of January 22 – January 26, 2018, at Canadian Blood Services. 

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Winter Walks with Your Pooch
Winter Walks with Your Pooch

Winter Walks with Your Pooch

With the cold temperatures that we’ve been experiencing lately, winter can have many risks for our pets while outside.

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All About Muzzle Training
All You Need to Know About Muzzle Training

All About Muzzle Training

Check out our latest video blog to know everything you need about muzzle training.

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New Year’s Resolution For Pets
New Year’s Resolution Is Not Just For People

New Year’s Resolution For Pets

Help your pet start off the new year with goals of their own. Here are a few ideas to help your pet have a healthy 2018.

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Planning For Your New Pet
Planning For Your New Pet

Planning For Your New Pet

Thinking of adopting/buying a new pet? That’s great! As you know, there is a lot to think about and consider before acquiring your new fur-family member.

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Why You Shouldn’t Give Pets as Gifts
Why You Shouldn’t Give Pets as Gifts for Christmas

Why You Shouldn’t Give Pets as Gifts

It’s Christmas time, and you want that special gift that the kids will go nuts over, so you decide to surprise them with a new puppy or kitten this Christmas.

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Saying Goodbye
Saying Goodbye

Saying Goodbye

It is never easy to say goodbye to your family pet. Being part of the staff at a vet clinic, you would think it would be easier for us, but it’s not.

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