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A Mattie Minute - Winter Tips
A Mattie Minute - Winter Tips

A Mattie Minute - Winter Tips

I was recently forced to put on a Halloween costume, so I know that cold weather is just around the corner. I’m an indoor cat who prefers to lounge by the fireplace.

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20 Years – A Senior Cat Tale
20 Years – A Senior Cat Tale

20 Years – A Senior Cat Tale

The hospital is focusing on senior pets this month and I thought I would write about my own personal experience as a senior pet owner.

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A Mattie Minute - Insuring Health
A Mattie Minute - Insuring Health

A Mattie Minute - Insuring Health

Out of a large number of patients brought in for critically needed veterinary attention, less than a handful of owners had pet insurance. 

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A Mattie Minute – The Royal Canin Tour
A Mattie Minute – The Royal Canin Tour

A Mattie Minute – The Royal Canin Tour

Recently Shanon (my favourite person – only because she feeds me) and Anne went on a tour of the Royal Canin Veterinary Diets food manufacturing facility.

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When Pets Get the Munchies
When Pets Get the Munchies

When Pets Get the Munchies

Marijuana use is on the rise, and the number of people partaking in the use of marijuana will continue to rise as its use becomes legal in Canada in July 2018.

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Whining About Lyme
Whining About Lyme

Whining About Lyme

Ticks have been in the news lately, so this blog is going to address the possible issues associated with ticks bites and our canine friends.

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Fleas Bug Us
Fleas Bug Us

Fleas Bug Us

The warmer weather brings a nice break from the cold, darker days of winter but it also brings those pesky parasites that our pets hate – the flea.

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Don’t Get Ticked!
Don’t Get Ticked!

Don’t Get Ticked!

The last few days of February were warmer than usual in Sudbury this year and it got us thinking about ticks.

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Canine Super Smile
Canine Super Smile

Canine Super Smile

February is National Dental Health month and the perfect time to discuss your dog’s oral hygiene.  Most people don’t realize how important good oral health is for their dog.

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Browse Before You Adopt
Browse Before You Adopt

Browse Before You Adopt

A friend of mine is considering adopting a new puppy and she called to speak to me about what to expect when she brought the puppy home.

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A Mattie Minute
A Mattie Minute

A Mattie Minute

October is upon us and as the in-hospital supervisor and official clinic cat of Cambrian Animal Hospital, I thought it was time to add my two meows to the website.

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